Fintech startups are increasing around Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center(Busan Fintech Hub) in the Busan International Finance Center (BIFC).
Companies operating in the Busan Fintech Hub are attracting attention as they are
growing at a remarkably rapid pace. At the time of its opening in 2019, the amount of
assets of tenant companies was 9.8 billion won, but last year, it increased 15 times
to 145.8 billion won. The cumulative sales also increased more than eight times from
12.7 billion won to 106.6 billion won during the period. Since its opening, 84
companies have gone through hubs. After 12 companies entered the hub, their
performance improved to more than 1 billion won, and 4 companies recorded more
than 4 billion won in sales.
One of the most notable companies is Interbird. It has developed a platform that
collects, processes, and provides semiconductor-related data around the world.
More than 50 million semiconductor products (accumulated basis) have been posted
on the platform. Kim Soo-hwan, secretary-general of the Busan Fintech Hub, said,
"Interbird is a company whose sales have increased by more than 18.2 billion won
since moving into the hub."